Wednesday, June 5, 2013

catch up.

Okay so unfortunately my life is not that exciting since graduation...
People keep asking me what I am going to do with my life and when I'm going to get married (obviously thats the only thing left to do once you have a degree....) But I am still just trying to figure it all out.

After graduation I can say that I basically slept for a month straight... and it was awesome! Not only that, but I went go karting, mini golfing, to the driving range, on scooter rides, hiking, went to the zoo, boating, read a few books, had a few bbqs, bating cages for the first time, went to a Bees know, average-everyday summer activities. Overall it felt like a successful summer in just a few short weeks.

Some of the biggest news as of lately:
As of a week ago I am back to the wonderful world of employment...
I am back to serving again in those black non-slip shoes that are oh-so-unholy.  I am a server at Pizza Factory and it ain't half bad.  I also just got a job at a catering company as well, and to top it all off swimming lessons start on Monday! Not going to be as much of a relaxing summer as I would have hoped working 3 jobs, but somebody's gotta bring home the bacon.

In Other News:
This summer has so far been an interesting one.  I have gotten close to someone who basically makes me laugh my brains out at least 100 times a day and who I spend some of my time thinking about which hasn't happened to me in a few years; yes, its all very exciting.   I've also grown apart from some people who I've grown up with. It's been an interesting process and seeing not only myself grow and change, but also my relationships. However, I am still a believer in everything happening for a reason.

I recently went to Oregon to see my sister, her husband and my niece Lillie! It was an awesome family vacation and the puuuuuuurfect way to ring in my 22nd birthday.  Being by the ocean with some of my favorite peeps was all I needed--- well, that and a delicious cake baked by the legend Scott Webb.

I guess you could say I'm just leading the average life of any 22 year old in America.
Crazy to think a year ago from today I was in Africa.
Crazier to try to think of where I will be in a year from today.

A Few Things to Look Forward To:
Swimming Lessons!!!!!
World Oceans Day!!!

But like I always say... "Summer time and the livin' is easy"