Thursday, May 31, 2012

Bon Iver.

If I had to choose my favorite Holiday, it would be my birthday. People argue that it isn't a real holiday, but I argue back "yes it is". 
For the past few years I have taken my birthday to full advantage and been celebrating what most college students recognize as "Birthday Week" which as it sounds is an entire week (or two) celebrating your birth.  Now this usually consists of going out to dinner every night, and doing whatever the birthday girl/boy wants.  This has always been a huge deal and my favorite week of the year, but something weird happened to me this year and I didn't even hardly get into it.  Needless to say, my 21 birthday was a good one, although nothing crazy in the slightest.
On my birthday I spent most of the day packing for Africa (I was way more excited for Africa and World Oceans Day [June 8] to focus on my birthday) and then went to Spaghetti Factory with my family for dinner which was quite delicious. 

My dad did make me an adorable Safari themed birthday cake in honor of Sunday-- it was even made from scratch!

I got some sweet Keens, a solar shower, a sun hat, a skirt and dress, a whale clip board and bag, and a cute shirt for my birthday... but most importantly, BON IVER CONCERT TICKETS!!!!

My friend Lou bought the tickets a month ago for my birthday and completely had me tricked that he was going with his friend.  I was so sad because the concert sold out the day they went on sale and I was too late and I couldn't go.  Now let me just start by saying that Bon Iver is my favorite artist of all time.  He is so amazing and i am OBSESSED. Anyways, I invited Lou to my funeral before the concert (he was coming down for it and I was going to kill myself since I wasnt going) and he surprised me only two hours before it started.
Tears of joy were shed.
It really was the best night of my life.  The concert was at Red Butte Garden and it was just so beautiful and Bon Iver did an amazing job (He sounds even better live!). I just have such a love for Bon Iver and I am so glad I got to go and have the best night of my life before taking off to Tanzania on Sunday!!!!
Listen gang, all I'm saying is if you don't know who Bon Iver is.. your life sucks.  If you only know him because of Skinny Love, you haven't even scratched the surface on how life changing his his.  Stop wasting your life and listen to him now!!!

But like I always say... "For all your lies, you're still very lovable" - Bon Iver

Monday, May 21, 2012

Wills & Stuff.

So...Turns out I'm going to Africa in 13 days, and still so much has to happen before I bail for 2 1/2 months!
One thing I have thought to do was write my wills... I'm making this public for a couple of reasons, 1 because I dont know who my lawyer is; but mostly I am because when I was home last weekend my so-called Best Friends said "so, when you die in Africa can I have....?" and listed off things of mine that they wanted.  Mostly I was offended, but then I guess it was a compliment because it means I have some cute things.

So, here it goes. 

My Body is going to science. So don't do anything creepy (Donate my organs... unless we can't because I left the country, dang.) Let's try to cure cancer with me. Oh also, one special part of my body goes to Lucy specifically (well, technically two... she knows what I'm referring to)

My beloved Saturn, Iphone, and laptop are going to my brother Matt.  He is driving this December. Welcome to the 21st Century little bro

My cat Stefani is going to my other brother Joe-- He is more of a cat lover than me.

My Trunk and floral blouse is going to Lexi.  That's all she asked for so that is all she is getting.  She is lucky though because that trunk is adorable and I get more compliments on that shirt than any.  Hit the jackpot there lex, you're welcome.

Krista gets to have my TV (Okay, sorry dad I know its not my TV and you let me borrow it but I feel so bad for them and little Lillie girl that I'm taking the privilege and willing it... trust me, its charity).  She also gets all the food in my cupboards, some pictures of myself, and my favorite whale blankey.

Lillie Girl-- You get all my boxes of old toys.  This includes my black barbie Diedra, barbie dream house, my doll Blinda, all my polly pockets, my puppets, dress ups (cinderella & pocahontas costume), my american girl doll Addy, and my My Twin Doll so you remember your aunty shelly in her prime.

Lucy-- after six years of being my best friend.. you get to have the beloved trundle-bed.  After so many sleep overs and late night pillow talks, it wouldn't be right to give it to anyone else. Also, you get the creepy life size doll (even though you're hardly worthy of it, but since you called it...). You also get the lamp by my bed, just because its way nice. And my scrapbooks for when you miss me.

Nicki gets my tassle purse

Heidi gets the fedora. Also, any letters that you want.

Sage gets all my books.

Chandell you can have my ipod in honor of all our matching music (Sorry I gave Lexi the floral shirt... you can pick out some of my other clothes.)

Melissa, you were hard because I feel like none of my stuff is cool enough for you (no cool cleaning rags or organizing things...) but you can have any of my decorations on my dresser... also, you can have my straightner or something if you want.... I dont know.  You can also have your iTrip back.  Also, you can give Canyon one of my mattresses if he is a good boy.  Oh, and you can have all my florence + the machine music.

Greyson-- you have always been the sweetest boy and this is going to really suck if I die in Africa so I never get to hear you say my name... Anyway, you get all my stuffed animals including the kissing Simba and Nala as well as my favorite stuffed animal dog. You also get my Tambourine, because it is my favorite instrument.

Canyon... still trying to think of what you get. We will see depending on how you treat me the next two weeks. At this rate, you might just end up getting my Harmonica (which is my second favorite instrument). 

Khristina gets all my notes in my notes drawer (they are all from you).  You also get my standing mirror if you want it because its really cute. Also, my really soft robe and my movies.

Little-- you get first pick of all my clothes and shoes.  You also get to have all my indian-eske things, my dream catcher necklaces, and all my jewelry.  Also, you get all my social work books and notes!

Jenna, you can go with my little and pick out clothes!

My precious parents can have all my money (oh wait....) and have their room downstairs back with all their furniture.  You guys get first dibbs on everything for raising me and giving me the best life any 20 year old (almost 21 year old) could ask for! ahh I love you guys.

So I think that this basically wraps it up.  I want to be buried in my whale dress and I want a lot of people to be at my funeral with lots of crying.  Holocene can be my funeral song just because it is so pretty and is kinda depressing anyway.  I don't know who gets my whale picture (my most prized possession).  Probably my parents will keep it until they get sick of it and then they can decide who is worthy of the honor of owning the whale picture.

Let me also just point out that I DONT PLAN ON DYING IN AFRICA. In fact, I REALLY hope that I dont. But like I said, I don't have a lawyer and I'd rather be safe than sorry.  If there are any more requests feel free to leave a comment, but don't get your hopes up-- I'm coming back! This is just a safety precaution.

But like I always say... "When in doubt, write a Will. Safety first then team work."