Saturday, December 15, 2012

Lord, Bless Us All.

Newtown.  A city that will never be forgotten.
It's hard for me to fathom what happened today... I'm just somebody on the other side of the country.  I knew none of these families. I know none of these kids. But it still effected me on such a level that I'm sure it did to many others.

When I heard what had happened I couldn't help but think in the social worker perspective that I've been learning about over the past four years.  I've studied child welfare, school social work, and mental health specifically.  Although these classes were amazing and changed my life, I knew after those classes I would never be able to work with children.  I remember sitting in class and hearing my professor say "just imagine a 2 year old with bruises covering 80% of his body". I couldn't hold back my tears.  I couldn't help but think of my precious nephew Canyon who was only two at the time... he was someone who had my heart and I loved him more than anyone else in the whole world.  There is nothing more precious than a child. Their innocence is one of the only pure things in this world anymore.  How can anyone hurt them? You would be surprised.  Statistically, children are more safe at school than they are in their own homes.  After such an incidence like this of course it would be a natural tendency to not want to see your children walk out those front doors.  The chances of something like this happening is supposed to be somewhere around 1%.  But when that 1% does happen, no one understands why.

What can drive a man to do something like this? I think that is something we will always wonder.  What drives anyone to do anything we do? It is sad that this man was not in his right mind but wasn't stopped earlier. Things could have ended a lot differently.

I cant imagine being one of the parents waiting to see your kid come running to you and safely holding them in your arms being so grateful they were spared; there would be such a sense of relief yet a feeling of guilt and wonder "why is my child okay when all these others are not?" I cant imagine being one of the parents who didn't get to experience holding their kid one last time. Those poor children talking about how excited they were for Christmas, getting to meet Santa... but instead planning a funeral. These kids will never be able to experience their graduation, wedding day, etc.  I feel for the families of the teachers and principle who also lost their lives. One picture of a teachers sister crying will permanently be burned into my memory.

The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh-- that's what we always what we hear in these situations.... Trust the Lord. Being from CT I don't know how strong I would be able to be.

I am grateful today for for my faith.  Whether you believe in God or a Higher Power most of us believe that everything happens for a reason, that each of us hold a special purpose. Those children had a purpose. They will not be forgotten. These parents will be able to hold their babies again one day... but until then, someone else is.

but like I always say... "Pray for Newtown"


  1. Literally bawled like a baby. Still crying actually. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and testimony. I love that we have a Savior who loves us and who is there to receive our loved ones on the other side.
