Saturday, May 11, 2013

My name is Rachelle... and I'm looking for a job.

This past week I hit a major life milestone... I graduated from Utah State University.  

It was really an awesome day, full of pictures, great food, great company, etc.  It was just really strange because it wasn't as big of a deal as you think it would be... like I just shook some strangers hand and got a booklet with a piece of paper stating I would get my diploma in the next 8 weeks. Like, okay....

All I'm saying is, graduation has given me the greatest thing ever-- and thats the ability to breathe and just live my motto of "do what I feel" for once in my life.  Dedicating this summer to accomplishing all the goals I've neglected this past year, like developing hobbies for instance.

The past 4 weeks have truly been so amazing and I've basically never been happier.  With little to no finals and just hanging out with some pretty amazing people I was able to actually enjoy my last few weeks of school after such a challenging senior year.  

I will admit that getting an email from both Kappa Delta headquarters as well as USU University that said something along the lines of "Welcome to the Wonderful World of Alumni-hood" basically made me cry.

It's just strange that my WHOLE LIFE I've just been doing the same thing... going to school, enjoying life... and the morning of graduation I woke up I thought to myself "the second I get out of this bed my life will never be the same again".  The best (aka the worst) part about graduation is all of the sudden everyone expects me to just be the crazy-mature adult who talks about sophistication and my awesome future plans when honestly, all I want to do is sleep until everyone goes back to school before I really get a job again.  I mean of course I'm going to use my degree in Social Work-- I love it.  It's just that I'm still a mere 21 year old trying out to figure out what to do in life.  

All I'm saying is according to recent life events, I'm for sure supposed to be an adult... but I'm still trying to figure it all out.  It is really just a strange place to be in my life now... It's like my 5 year plan has officially ended, so I don't even know what to do with my life! It's exciting and scary at the same time. 

but like Vitamin C always says... "As we go on, we remember all the times we had together, and as our lives change, come whatever...we will still be friends forever". 
--yeah, couldn't have said it better myself.

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