These days everyone has their phones 24/7. It is past the excuse of "I forgot my cell phone". everyone knows that is a lie if you are 23 years old and younger because we have all had cell phones since at least 7th grade.
It's weird because there are so many unspoken rules when it comes to phones, aka just to texting.
For example, if you are texting your crush you better not get caught DEAD texting him back with no less than a 5 minute break unless you want to blow it by appearing too easy and having him lose interest in you.
Also when people next one word texts, you know that you are on their bad side. If there is only one word and less than at least 3 exclamation points, you better spend the rest of your day thinking of the worlds best apology and think of how you're going to make it up to them.
I've had too many good friends in the past literally be GLUED to their phone. They honestly believe that if they don't receive a text message every 10 minutes then Verizon must be down and they need to start/restart their phone and text themselves to make sure their phones ARE working while breaking into a cold sweat panicking if someone tries to contact them and they cant receive it!!! Sometimes it turns out your not as popular as you think you are. hah.
My life has changed since I've gotten my iphone, truly. I got it for Christmas and sometimes I wonder what I did before it.
I was really anti smart phone for a while because I did NOT want to be more socially connected; I knew I would be if I got one... and I was right. I have got it all now.
Smart phones are just SO convenient, seriously.
It keeps me entertained during class as I facebook stalk, pinterest, update my twitter, and check people blogs. I can check my grades, read emails, check my bank statement all within 30 seconds. I can take any picture in the world and make it hideous by using camwow or making it look 100 times better by using instagram.
I have music on hand always- available for all around me to hear.
I can ask Siri to look up anything for me (unless its after 12 then she becomes quite temperamental and it is quite inconvenient)
I can Facetime my family when I miss them, and my little before I go to bed.
I can see when my text was delivered and when the person is texting me back
I can easily update my pictures to my
It makes creeping on people 10 times easier. Creepy, yet true. (unless your flash goes off while your snapping a pic... then it gets awkward). In fact I may have even used it today with Sarah B to some random in class ("look up that girl right now! there is no way she is younger than 25!").
I do think that this is a good time to have a memorial for my old laptop phone. It was smart in its own special way... because it could flip two ways AND the buttons changed. It was a good phone until the classic "drop it in the toilet" incident. I was literally 1 or 2 people that didn't have a smart phone and every time I pulled out my phone people would say "wow, nice phone". RUDE.
So, OBVIOUSLY I am behind the times. Everyone I know has had an iphone for at least 5 years now (except you Sarah B, you are still staying strong with your blue egg phone).
I'm really NOT technologically savvy so I'm a little slow, but I wonder what I did before my phone.
I guess what I'm trying to say is, Melissa & Krista, it is time for you guys to get iphones. Then I can facetime you whenever I want.
But like I always say... "Steve Jobs, I salute you."