Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Social Media & Stuff.

It all started as a mere 14 year old...and Myspace was the best! If you didn't have Myspace, who were you?  Girls in junior high spent hours thinking about what their "myspace profile song" would be, and what their layout would look like, what what their header should say while writing :

"OMG girlie no you are SoOo BeAuTiFuL! I wish I looked like you! SoOoO jEaLoUs"
- I know this because I am guilty of it. #gag me.
(but deep down everyone knew that writing this kind of stuff on a girls picture didn't necessarily mean you thought this... even as an eighth grader I knew all about frenemies and how to go about handling them.)

Thanks to Myspace there will always be the legendary "myspace picture" ---->
Myspace and MSN chat (late night chats with hotties until texting got big) were cool until about 2005, then the biggest thing of the century came. FACEBOOK.
So for starters, I was the most anti-facebook girl ever.  It didn't make sense to me, I thought it was for old people, and you couldn't even change your background/layout! what was this garbage?
But in about October of my freshman year up at USU I gave into peer pressure and decided to get it to "stay in touch with high school friends". SIKE. More like stalk the crap out of people and see who fell from their prime after high school.
Facebook seriously changed the world.  EVERYONE has facebook and if you don't its sorta like "do you even have an identity?" people without facebook are good at keeping a low profile.  But these days not having a facebook makes people wonder what is wrong with this person? like, did they go to jail? just sayin...

Speaking of stalking (sorta..) that brings me to TWITTER.  Now I will admit I have a twitter, and I am the biggest #rookie of all time at it (@Shnellwebb).  I always said I would get one once I got a smart phone (yeah I'm moving up in the world.. finally) because I truly always see the funniest things but always when I'm by myself! Twitter is basically a short status to let all your followers know where you are and what you are doing 24/7.Its short, to the point, and more effic then you would think.

It's amazing/creepy how these things rule peoples lives though.  I don't think I go a day without people saying "are you on pinterest?" "oh I am totes following you on twitter" or my favorite "did you see that thing on Facebook?!"

I find out literally everything on facebook.  I find out when my crush goes from being "in a relationship" to "single".  I learn about what things are going on that week from "upcoming events".  I see how everyone's pictures look so cute and makes everyone's lives seem at least 100 x's funner. I find out about people's jobs, how they lost weight, where they are right that second, what they did last night, how much they love their boyfriend, when people are getting married... you get the point. It really has become if its not on facebook it must not be real, or in other words "facebook official".

Not only am I on Facebook & Twitter... but obviously on Blogspot, Pinterest, and Instigram.  I truly could not be more socially connected.
Now where am I going with this blog you  might ask? I'm not really sure. Its just so crazy to me how much things have changed. One day all these things will crash and we will find out although our FB said we have 782 "friends" we will be left to see who really are our friends.

Like I always say "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em"
and of course "you’re only as cool as the number of people who follow you on Twitter that you don’t follow back." #lifelessons @Shnellwebb

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