Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Chef Shnell-ardee?

Okay so mostly for myself, I need to write the progress of my goals and how well my domestic-ness is going so far...

Okay, so one goal I had for this year was to go to bed at 11 and wake up at 7.  Although I am usually about an hour or so behind this, I'm doing a MUCH better job going to bed early and waking up early.  As awful as getting ready before walking across campus to my SW Practice II class is, I have class from 9 am until 3 pm so I really have no option but to just get ready!

Sidenote: My classes thus far include Social Work Practice II, Mental Health, Social Deviance, Criminal Law and Justice, SW Practice III, and Natural Disasters (18 credits later and turns our I still won't graduate on time...)

With all this sleeping and eating better, I am trying to just maintain a healthier life style. This includes no tanning (which is harder than you would think.. maybe once a month limit), taking vitamins, drinking more water (and diet coke of course) and exercising more (3 times a week minimum goal)

So, as far as my cooking goals, it really was such a joke over winter break and I did nothing, but since I've been up at school I have cooked almost every single meal every day!!!

Every morning I try to drink a green smoothie.. For those of you who don't know what this is it includes:

a handful of spinach
1/2 banana
frozen blueberries
orange juice

(okay so actually you can put in whatever you want this is just what I have so that what goes in..)

Blend it all up... and breakfast is served!

I have even cooked lunch and dinner for myself! One of these meals was Enchiladas! So we got the recipe from Pinterest (obvs) and me, Loose, Lexi, and Lil had a friendship dinner and cooked it and ate these delicious chocolate truffles for dessert! Such a team effort but it was so delicious and worth it!

Okay so, turns out I'm still a little bit of an embarrassment, but I'm doing much better.

Betty Crocker
Chef Boyardee
Shnell Webb

 Another thing I am doing is making time for reading...
I don't know if anyone has heard of The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin, but I would strongly recommend it. I'm so happy I started reading at the start of a new year because it has kept me motivated to stick to my goals! With my future 18 credits going to take up the majority of my life I am going to try and finish it next week so I can focus more on school (and start a new book. Crazy by Pete Early to be exact)

Oh and if you haven't already heard, another goal is to get find myself a boyfriend and get married this year... SIKE

There are still so many things that I need to work on and want to do with my life, but hey its only the eighteenth, and so far so good.

but like I always say... "The question isn't who is going to let me; it's who is going to stop me."


  1. You are doing such a wonderful job on your goals. I am so proud of you for being a grownup. I did NOT know you had a goal not to go tanning anymore. That is a great goal. I can't believe you didn't tell me about it.
    So did you guys make those delicious chocolate truffles? You didn't really elaborate on that...

  2. yes! its like oreos cream cheese and chocolate.. they were SO GOOD! i think lexi got it off of pinterest (obvs) but they were so tastey. and yeah i havent been tanning since november.. its been rough.
