Wednesday, January 18, 2012

I "Whaley" love them.

Sometimes... people ask me while I love whales so much.
It's hard to put into words why I love whales so much... and it's tough to say where it all started.

If I had to pinpoint the first moment, it would be when I went whale watching in Alaska when I was probably in 9th grade. Only a couple moments out on the boats we were so lucky and saw whales breaching! ahh.. I love that day.

Okay so the day I really really REALLY decided I loved whales was when I went to sea world in 2009. I literally started to cry during the Shamu Show. It was then I knew my life had changed for the better...

Immediately after that trip I truly researched what it takes to me a whale trainer at sea world.  Once I did a lot of searching, it said that they only accept two a year! and it usually takes them 10 years to work up to that process! my dreams and heart were dashed!!! It was so depressing! my freshman year at USU I seriously considered leaving and going to study marine biology somewhere else.  But after seriously considering this and knowing I would have to move I decided I couldn't do it because I'm too obsessed with my family... it was a rough reality check. 

Now, there are a least a beeeeellion reasons why I love whales...
but here are just a few fun facts:
1. Did you know whales can swim up to 35 mph?
2. Sperm whales have the biggest brain in the animal kingdom!
3. Blue Whales are the largest animals in the world
4. Whales rest one half of their brain at a time while they sleep
5. There are 2 types of whales (toothed/baleen)
6. Whales are freaking mammals aka they give live birth and nurse their babies and breathe air!
7. They usually travel in groups called pods
8. Blue Whales aren't found very often.. which is INSANE because they are freakin' huge!

When people ask me "why do you love whales so much?" I usually just answer with..."whats not to love? first of all they are HUGE! They are the biggest animals of all time and are even bigger than any dinosaur that ever lived! and some whales veins are even so big a person could swim down them!"

let me start by breaking down my top 5 favorite whales (in no particular order)
1. Sperm Whales
2. Beluga Whales
3. Blue Whales
4. Killer Whales
5. Humpback Whales

Now obviously, I love all these whales for different reasons. Now, Killer Whales (aka Orcas) used to be my favorite whales (obviously, after sea world). But then as I read more books about them and watched so many videos on YouTube, I learned that Killer Whales eat other whales... and I thought, that is messed up. So they dropped a few notches on the favorite list, and Sperm whales became #1 pretty quick.  

Now seriously, it's kinda embarrassing how every person I know knows how much I love whales. but at the same time its kinda awesome because whenever someone see's something whale-eske then they buy it for me or think of me.  This is what I got from my parents for my 19th birthday. Best Present Ever! I cried when I got it haha (I always cry when it comes to whales: fact).  Also, people sometimes catch up on some basic whale facts before starting conversations with me, now that is impressive.

Everyone needs to watch Disney's Oceans!!!!!!!
Favorite/Best movie of ALL TIME hands down!

I can't wait to see Big Miracle! Future favorite movie ever!

Now, if you ever feel depressed DON'T watch whaling videos.  One time I did this and thought I was becoming suicidal (okay that is a little dramatic...) but I literally bawled my eyes out.  It is so sad to me that people can actually just kill a whale! an innocent animal just swimming on its way.... I can't believe it! now THAT is messed up.

For some reason... I just want to hug all the whales in the world. They just seem so sweet and cute and cuddly and so cool! like just adorable.  I know not all people can see this.. but I know for a fact everyone has their secret obsession.. mine just isn't a secret. The day the whale trainer died a few years ago I got at least 100 texts telling me and warning me to not become a whale trainer! That really was such a sad day... RIP.

you'd be surprised how many cute whale things there really are out there...
Shout out to my favorite: whale picture, calender, blanket, necklace, dress, and present!

I feel like this blogpost still doesn't even do justice for how much I love whales.  Let me just say, sometimes I think I love whales more than people.  I dream about whales probably 3 nights a week (literally) and spend probably 40% of my life thinking about them. Whales are so beautiful, and amazing, and graceful, and have such good communication, and travel in families! There is so much everyone can learn from whales!

but like I always say... "SAVE THE WHALES" 


  1. 2 blogs in a row! You are a professional blogster I loved both of them!

  2. hahaha you are so funny. seriously. the funniest ever. i think you have an obsession with BIG things... maybe?

  3. K: I wrote the other blog like five days ago but apparently didn't publish it because it was in my drafts, hence the two... But I dunno I just love whales so much. I can't stop
