Monday, January 2, 2012

New Year's Goals & Stuff

With every year comes a list of New Year's Resolutions.  In my case, a list of close to 10 (hey, I have a lot I need to work on!) There are also a lot I wouldn't necessarily call Resolutions... just things I want to do. Let me break it down...
Okay so as far as resolutions (I feel like sharing) go...
1. Read the entire Book of Mormon cover to cover (luckily I just finished 4 days ago!)
2. Keep a daily/weekly journal (I started today, I haven't kept one since I was probably 12!)
3. Cook 1 meal a week (I mean real meals.. the most cooking of done this year is put a pizza in the oven; I know I'm embarrassing)
4. Go to sleep earlier and wake up earlier (as nice as winter break has been going to bed at 2 am and waking up at 11am.... not okay for this year)
5. Not eat fast food (Okay so this used to not be a problem for me, but this past year I just love Rancheritos!) unless I'm on vacation or something and there is absolutely no way I can get home and making sometime.  It's going to require some planning, starting my day earlier, having food in my kitchen and developing skills.

There are also a lot of other things I want to do.  I want to read 15 books because I love reading so much but I never make time when school starts (this is one reason I need to wake up earlier!). 
I also want more than anything in my LIFE is to go on a humanitarian trip to either Kenya or India.  I recently turned in my application into Ascent/Rising Star so I just really hope it all works out this summer!
I really want to become more crafty! I am so basic and have no creative brain at all! I am an embarrassment to my sorority, but Pinterest has helped me in this area. Let me share one of my first crafting story...

So there I was at my shrub Melissa's house (as I am every day whenever I am in the 801) on new years eve and we were talking about our New Year's resolutions. When I told her I wanted to keep a journal she told me about this really cute idea she saw on Pinterest.  She showed me this......

but we decided to make our own. and that turned into this....
 (which, by the way, I think is cuter than the one on pinterest.)

So, what it is is a daily journal where each day you write a sentence about what you did that day.  Its an easy way of journaling and when my future children look at it they can see in an easy glance of the index card what a fun life I used to have. Ha. There are 14 lines so by the time I'm done cycling through I will have 14 years of history on these index cards! What a great idea! Thank you Pinterest!
Okay, so I understand it's only the second day of the year, but so far I'm feeling pretty good about my resolutions!  I can't wait to make this the best year yet and hopefully develop a lot of skills and life experiences!

But like I always say... "a goal not written down is only a wish"

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