Thursday, January 12, 2012

Things I've learned in Logan

-If it says is 16 degrees, it really only feels like 0
-Don't speed in Mantua
-Actually, don't speed anywhere in Cache Valley
-You can tell a Logan local from 5 miles away
- If you feel good about a test... you failed.
- Laugh at teachers jokes
- Sometimes people find boyfriends from up in trees
- It takes longer to get ready for a dance party than you actually spend there
- If you just saw someone slip on ice right there, don't step there!
- Don't fall for any red heads or albinos.
- Don't invite a boy over you met in the library!!!!!
- Don't leave your facebook unattended for any reason!
- Attend all campus events!
- The HOWL is overrated, Mardi Gras is what's up!
- Even if YOU think all girls should be friends & be on the same team, THEY don't necessarily think that.
- Aggie Basketball or BUST!
- You will always have the "know it all" "brown noser" or "girl who sounds like she is crying every time she talks" in all your classes
- If Moises Diaz says "good afternoon!" you better say "good afternoon!"
- Potential Crushes will always be at the field house
- Become a True Aggie your freshman year while you are still in slay-everybody mode because that does wear off!
- Have at least 1 pic nic on the quad!
- Logan has a ZOO!
- Don't expect to get a job.. they are scarce.
- Sometimes, you just need to crafternoon
- Don't kiss fraternity boys if your sisters have. and don't except to be the last one they kiss either.
- Make friends with your neighbs
- Take advantage of making your friends freshmen year because eventually, people stop giving a crap.
- Go to Bear Lake!
- Sometimes, you just need to kiss your obsession crush to get over him.
- Join a club, team, or sorority!!!!!!!!
- Don't do dumb things with your freshman friends. You will see them in 2 years. and it could get awkward.
- If someone asks you out, give them at least one chance.
- If he say's he is from Australia, HE LIED!
- Don't get rides from strangers who offer.
- Don't text and drive
- Don't make any mistake while driving actually...
- Go rock climbing up Logan Canyon
- Live in the dorms for at least 1 year
- Keep friends who enjoy good music, card games, and takes you sombrero shopping so he can translate
- Sometimes you just need to sit in the gutter and get soaked my sprinklers with your little
- You might think you have a good friend, but he will get engaged behind your back
- Ride a tandem with 3 peeps on it to the mall.. then get driven home in a pick up truck.
- Have daily music appreciation hour
- Sit in the front 3 rows
- Always walk through the TSC
- Such a Sorority Cliche, but have lingere parties!
- Get ready before you go to the library!
- Don't check yourself out in the mirror buildings, you tool.
- Never trust someone who wears sunglasses inside
- Abbrevs is a totes effic way of saying less but more at the same time
- Know "the signal" before you go to parties
- Sometimes you fall for the kid who bugged the crap out of you walking you across campus
- Go to all formals & campus events!
- Know that people are always creeping on you from the KD window
- All group projects suck
- Don't swear sweats or pajamas to class! (yoga pants acceptable)
- If you are yelling to someone who isn't responding, its not who you thought it was. awkward
- Don't wear headphones while walking to class you anti-social creep.
- If he has attractive teeth and facial hair, he is never taller 5'5"
- Texting while walking is dangerous!
- Say Hi to your teachers at Walmart
- For some reason I never expect to open a door myself.
- Walk to class with your friends.
- If its Happy Hour at the quick stop, SPLURG and get a 32 ounce. always.
- You always see someone you know at the quick stop
- If the stairs are icy, take the elevator
- If you KNOW the beehive is there... find a different route
- Sometimes, girls in class happen to have Indian mud in their backpack to rid you of your allergic reaction
- Don't start conversations with "so.. do you like pets?"
- You really do get instant bonds with fellow diet coke drinkers
- Everyone you know gets engaged by your junior year.
- You won't find your future BF/husband in the social work program.
- Having a "campus crush" you see when you walk to the library Tuesdays and Thursdays.
- Bad late night decision Mcdonald-runs
- Have pillow talk
- Needing to have 2 roomies because sometimes one of them doesn't come home
- Yell "FLUSHING" if someone is in the shower
- You may or may not hate freshman by your junior year.
- Go to office hours
- At least asking never hurt anyone
- "worth it"
- "sorry i'm not sorry"
- Don't take more than 15 credits.
- Get ready before All Greek
- Don't forget a pencil
- ALWAYS keep a planner
- Don't eat a scottsman!!!!!!!!!!
- You meet your best friends in college
- Remember, in Logan, all you have is each other
- Keep Aggie Pride!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

but like i always say... "show me a true-blooded Aggie from Utah, who doesn't love the spot where the sagebrush grows!!!!!!!!!"

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha I was crying!!! Especially about red heads albinos and Australians!
